I did a post on ComFree back in the spring, and figured it would be a good time to do an update on them after the eventful summer real estate experienced. Compare how they fared to the conventional resale market. So, without further ado… The prices look to have trended up, asContinue Reading

A few months back I touched on price ranges/sales mix, and as the last quarterly number just came out I figured it would be a good time to revisit the subject and see what is selling and how it’s changing. Like the last time around, this measure is of theContinue Reading

A couple months back I did a post on market share by price range (will be doing another update on that hopefully in the not to distant future), and today I’m going to take another stab at market share, but this time from the angle of unit type. You’ll want to clickContinue Reading

Private sales, or For-Sale-By-Owner (FSBO for short) have been around for as long as there has been something to sell. Though in real estate private sales kind of fell out of favour as sales people and agencies became specialized and by pooling resources started offering levels of exposure that privateContinue Reading

We’ve been hearing from the real estate boards and their minions in the media about how sales in the 300-400K range have been strong for the last couple months… so I figured I’d see what I could gather from the stat packs. In their quarterly reports they include sales byContinue Reading

Hope you all enjoyed your long weekend. If it was anything like mine, it was likely full of sun and way too much refined sugar. If you’ve been reading the releases coming from the various real estate associations, you may have noticed they are now talking up the month-over-month salesContinue Reading

The CMHC pumped out their latest forecast this past week. Cutting through the b.s. and bravado, here’s the pertinent Edmonton prognostications, tabular form for your viewing pleasure. 2008 2009 Projected 2010 Actual Forecast +/- % Forecast——————————————————Price $332,852 $315,000 -5.4% $325,000——————————————————Sales 17,369 16,000 -7.9% 17,000——————————————————Vacancy 2.4% 3.5% +0.9%——————————————————Avg Rent $1,034 $1,070 +3.5%—————————————————— AContinue Reading

When I first started looking at the litany of stats released every month by the various outlets, it was kind of overwhelming. There are dozens of different measures, examining things from just as many angles. Even with my background in accounting and statistics, it was kind of wild. But asContinue Reading

Those that follow the stats released by their local real estate boards may have noticed that their inventories don’t seem to add up. For example, at the end of December in Edmonton there were 6,316 units in inventory. Then in January there were 2,443 new listings, and 730 sales. DoingContinue Reading