Over the last month there has been a great many stories appearing about the effects of shoddy construction practises here in Alberta… particularly concerning stucco exteriors with faulty membranes. A quick googling turns up this and much more: Read moreNew ConstructionNo bailouts over faulty condos: gov’t Faulty new homes notContinue Reading

What’s happenin’ negazots?! It’s been a rather dreary day here in the Alberta capital, so I figured I’d do a quick post on new home prices to fill the time. I’ve gotten several requests to do this, but I’ve never been able to find real great historical data on it…Continue Reading

Thought I’d take a quick look at the new construction stats for Edmonton today, as CMHC released their latest report last Friday. Lots of good stuff in there, but I’m only going to look at a handful of numbers from Table I… starts, unabsorbed units and under construction units to be exact.Continue Reading