The EREB came out with their March numbers this morning, and all things considered, they were remarkably unremarkable. Sales and inventory are pretty much right on the money considering seasonality, and prices more or less stayed about the same. Though compared to last years sales and prices are down aboutContinue Reading

One of our frequent commenters, Two-Thirds, offered up a couple local real estate folklore that he’d like to see tackled… his wish being my command, here is the first, the relationship between oil prices and real estate prices in Edmonton. Those that have been reading this blog for awhile haveContinue Reading

I don’t want those that read this blog to think I’m against buying real estate… I’m all for it, I just don’t think it’s a good idea to buy now. If I had not been looking to buy last summer, I would have never dived into the numbers and ultimately startedContinue Reading

The Globe and Mail article from yesterday got me thinking about our subprime mortgage situation in Canada. Some people say it’s just as bad as in the US, but they aren’t talking about truly subprime as much as they are about effectively non-prime or non-conventional lending Read moreWe’re different, it won’t happenContinue Reading

Figured I’d point out some of the stories making the rounds. – The February employment numbers are out, and they are dismal. 23,700 jobs lost just in Alberta, leaving unemployment at it’s highest rate is almost six years. 82,600 lost across the country. The federal and provincial governments seem almost in denialContinue Reading

So tomorrow is Friday the 13th… and if that doesn’t scare you, just wait until the Feds announce the latest employment numbers tomorrow. Very ouch, I’m sure. Today I’m going to take a quick look at an angle of the real estate industry that doesn’t often get much attention fromContinue Reading

Some of you may recall my writing about the situation of a couple friends of mine two months back. Figured I should do an update with Spring fast approaching and all. Anyway, now it’s been five months, four price drops, one re-listing and they still can’t even get so much as aContinue Reading