Over the last month there has been a great many stories appearing about the effects of shoddy construction practises here in Alberta… particularly concerning stucco exteriors with faulty membranes. A quick googling turns up this and much more: Read moreNew ConstructionNo bailouts over faulty condos: gov’t Faulty new homes notContinue Reading

So, the nominations are in and the selections made. Added a couple more to represent all the new building in Terwillegar as well as to represent the university area, so we’ll be tracking 12 complexes. Since we can focus on buildings/complexes with condos it should be far easier to trackContinue Reading

Curious times we’re in. We’re hearing a lot of bluster, doom, gloom and just generally conflicting messages from all over the economy the last little while. Shouldn’t really be surprising, we’re in this massive economic fugue, and there is no consensus about what will come next so everyone is graspingContinue Reading

Sorry for no mid-week post, it’s been a busy one… sure sucks when they want a guy to do some actual work during office hours! Thanks for all your submissions, I’ve been wading through all the comments and e-mails and this is what we have so far (if I missedContinue Reading

Doing something of an interactive project today… we’re going to start tracking asking prices. If you’ve been following some properties you’ve probably noticed that even with prices largely holding this year, asking prices still seem to be dropping. So we’re going do a bit of an unscientific sample of ourContinue Reading

We’ve been hearing from the real estate boards and their minions in the media about how sales in the 300-400K range have been strong for the last couple months… so I figured I’d see what I could gather from the stat packs. In their quarterly reports they include sales byContinue Reading

It’s that time of the month again… okay, well, not that time of the month… or perhaps it is that too… you know what, never mind. The EREB released their final April resale stats today. There, we’ll go with that. I guess the big story this time around would be sales, AprilContinue Reading

April is fast drawing to a close. We probably won’t get the final numbers until Monday, but indications are that it was a fairly typical April. Prices look to be up a point or two over March, and sales figures are looking like they’ll be in the normal range for the month,Continue Reading

What’s happenin’ negazots?! It’s been a rather dreary day here in the Alberta capital, so I figured I’d do a quick post on new home prices to fill the time. I’ve gotten several requests to do this, but I’ve never been able to find real great historical data on it…Continue Reading

It’s been a tough week for the province… first we find out that the provincial government thinks our beaches and children are too damn ugly to use in advertising, so they have to co-opt some from England. Okay, and yeah, that foam finger is actually one for the Oakland A’s,Continue Reading