After another night burning the midnight oil, I decided that today I was going to take today off… my first day off in over a month. Yes, I know, you don’t care, but this is my sandbox, so that just sucks for you now don’t it! But before I’m offContinue Reading

The sad state of the news media really hit home this week… literally it seems for me. I’ve been pointing out how the real estate groups have been plastering their ads all over the place, and also seem to get some to get more then their fair share of favourableContinue Reading

Sorry I couldn’t get to this sooner, but June has been a busy month for me. Kind of doubting I’ll be able to get in as many posts as I would like this month, so instead of posting tripe, I’ll try to focus on quality instead of quantity. After readingContinue Reading

TUESDAY UPDATE: Reports are circulating TD is about to raise their 5-year fixed rates another 0.4% We’ve been hearing lots about central bank rates being at historic lows, and it’s influence over mortgage rates… but anyone following my Twitter feed the last while has no doubt noticed my little obsession with theContinue Reading

Private sales, or For-Sale-By-Owner (FSBO for short) have been around for as long as there has been something to sell. Though in real estate private sales kind of fell out of favour as sales people and agencies became specialized and by pooling resources started offering levels of exposure that privateContinue Reading

Sorry I didn’t get to report this earlier in the day, unfortunately I had to do some actually work. Bummer, I know, but believe it or not, communicating my worthless ideas to literally threes of people, free-of-charge, doesn’t pay the bills. Anyway, the local numbers for May were released today,Continue Reading

This will probably come off like a puff piece, but it’s been a beautiful weekend, I don’t really feel like doing actual research, I need one more post to hit my self imposed monthly quota of ten and I just took a stroll through mine yesterday and feel like waxingContinue Reading

Obviously there are no lack of indicators and ratios out there, we’ve looked at several here over the months. Some in my opinion are fairly useful, like absorption rate… others I feel are as useless as tits on a bull, like sales to new listings. In any case, today we’llContinue Reading

The Canadian Bankers Association released their latest mortgage arrears stats today, these are for March. As we can see, they’re continuing their meteoric rise, and have now passed the 0.50% threshold. 2,416 Albertans now find themselves three or more months behind on their mortgages (typically at the point foreclosure proceedings begin, thoughContinue Reading