Greetings freaks and geeks, hope you’re all ready for the long weekend. Before you go, here is the affordability update I promised. As you may have noticed, suddenly this spring the word ‘affordability’ magically returned to the lexicon of the real estate pumper. A word nary whispered a year ago,Continue Reading

Obviously there are no lack of indicators and ratios out there, we’ve looked at several here over the months. Some in my opinion are fairly useful, like absorption rate… others I feel are as useless as tits on a bull, like sales to new listings. In any case, today we’llContinue Reading

So, just what is a ‘Bust’? Don’t google that. Read moreHistorical Prices and InflationThe first hits you’ll get will probably be of the Russ Meyer-esque definition… and don’t get me wrong, big fan of that variety, but looking up that sort of thing while others are around can invite troubleContinue Reading

I was doing a quick search of Google News local real estate stories, and stumbled upon this story from Sherwood Park talking about how prices had dropped $120,000 since their peak in July 2007. They appear to be privy to some figures that are not publicly available, so I can’t speak about that claim.Continue Reading

Hope you all enjoyed your long weekend. If it was anything like mine, it was likely full of sun and way too much refined sugar. If you’ve been reading the releases coming from the various real estate associations, you may have noticed they are now talking up the month-over-month salesContinue Reading

One of our frequent commenters, Two-Thirds, offered up a couple local real estate folklore that he’d like to see tackled… his wish being my command, here is the first, the relationship between oil prices and real estate prices in Edmonton. Those that have been reading this blog for awhile haveContinue Reading