So, another week goes by, another apparent bull market rally turns out to be little more then a trap… but at least the Eskimos won last night! Anywho, so I guess the big news this week for Edmonton real estate was that the decline in the new housing price index… downContinue Reading

So, in an e-mail I was asked why I haven’t referenced the bond market in awhile since they’re so important to interest rates. Well, the reason is simple, because I haven’t felt they’ve moved enough to warrant a change in interest rates, so their fluctuations are not really of muchContinue Reading

Another big month in July sales wise, setting a record even. Amazing what record low interest rates can do even in a recession. Prices were more mixed, as we’ve seemed to have turned the corner into the summer and the traditional cooling of the market. Obviously sales were strong forContinue Reading

Excellent question. The long of the short of it is the EREB hasn’t posted it yet, so it’s not available. They usually take two business days into the new month, so it’s not really late, it just seems so, and with the long weekend I’d expect it tomorrow. So, onceContinue Reading

Greetings freaks and geeks, hope you’re all ready for the long weekend. Before you go, here is the affordability update I promised. As you may have noticed, suddenly this spring the word ‘affordability’ magically returned to the lexicon of the real estate pumper. A word nary whispered a year ago,Continue Reading

Had been preparing an update on the affordability numbers, but then noticed the latest arrears figures were out, so we’ll knock that one out first and leave affordability for later this week. As the title implies, there has been no slowing this spring, and as of May we were upContinue Reading

I’m sure literally none of you have wondered to yourselves, “how does one become a contrarian blogger?” Well, it’s not a terribly interesting story, and doesn’t pay nearly as well as telling people what they want to hear, actually, it doesn’t pay period… but as my experience in the lastContinue Reading

For awhile now I’ve been thinking about trying to attempt to quantify the relationship between population growth and housing construction. We’ve been hearing for a year or two now about how our city is actually overbuilt to a significant degree. This of course would come to a surprise to manyContinue Reading

A couple months back I did a post on market share by price range (will be doing another update on that hopefully in the not to distant future), and today I’m going to take another stab at market share, but this time from the angle of unit type. You’ll want to clickContinue Reading